From NY to NC
I am excited to share with you my Guest Blog Post posted on the number one website for parents in the area and also mentioned in their printed March 2014 Magazine. Carolina Parent editors asked me to write about the experience of our family move from NY to NC. Every day there are many families who move to this area from all around the world and from also from other states. The Triangle area is very diverse, every month there are between 300-400 new residents in the main neighborhoods in this area. In my son's pre-school there are kids from Germany, Korea, India, Turkey, Greece, Hungary, Russia, and also families that moved from Colorado, California, New Jersey and I just started...
Carolina Parent is the most trusted parenting resource group in the Triangle area of N.C. They provide timely, interesting, and helpful information for all families through their monthly magazine, annual guides, special events, and digital platforms. You can visit their website at
“So how is it down there?” “Are you all packed up and ready to go?” The questions were everywhere. They came while I was walking with my kids to school, and while I was waiting to pick them up from school. They chased me to the coffee place where I worked with my computer, and even to the gym.
To read my post click here