BEyond Change: Leadership from AwareLess to AwareNess
How can we shift from doing a change to being the change and see consistent results with our leadership? First we need to identify our blindspots—where are we AwareLess?
Join Noa Ronen, MBA PCC, Executive and Leadership Coach to explore how creating the awareness of how we are being in change can lead us into new and needed actions that dare us to be the leader we can and desire to be.
When we dare ourselves we step into what Noa calls BEyond leadership—you are then able to open up, feel momentum within your leadership, and see beyond you, beyond your values, and beyond your vision to now engage others in your leadership and help them grow into their best selves.
In this talk:
You will understand the difference between the Being and Doing energies.
you will be able to identify when you or your team focus on the doing energy or the being energy.
You will go through the BEyond model, designed by Noa, to assess your current challenge with a personal/leadership change.
You will decide on one action step to move toward BEyond Leadership.